Locked Out?
If you are locked out of your unit there is a $10.00 charge for Maintenance to unlock your unit.
Please leave a phone number where you can be reached and make sure you are at your unit within 15 minutes after you place the call to ensure you are onsite when McKinzie Gardens Manager or Maintenance Staff arrives to unlock your door. The McKinzie Gardens Manager or Maintenance Staff will not wait on you to arrive.
You will also need to provide the Maintenance Staff with a current photo ID in order to gain access to the unit.
Have A Fire or A Break In?
If you have a fire or a break in and there is damage to the doors or windows in your unit please call 911 to respond. After you have called 911, during regular business hours contact the McKinzie Gardens Manager at (405) 292-0692 or (405) 579-1552.
After hours, weekends, and holidays: Call 911 then the Maintenance Emergency number.
For Safety Reasons:
Maintenance cannot work on outside air-conditioning units after dark, in the rain, or if the temperature is below 70 degrees.